We're bigger than this

I know -- a complete departure, right? It started as a pouring do-over of my April 14th piece, but I didn't like the results at all, so I decided to try something different.

I'd been noticing that I was drawn to some of the more pastel-colored work on Instagram, and thought I might try mixing down some of those colors.

But I was also feeling frustrated with those small marks on yesterday's piece (though I still really like that painting) so I thought I would use foam brushes to force myself out of that mode.

And so, somehow, it all turned into this: appealing on some levels, and fairly original; fun to paint... but not really an expression of who I am; too contained, I think. Although we're all pretty contained these days, with just those tiny little windows on Zoom to connect us to friends, family, and work. It's a way of life, I just don't particularly enjoy it. And all the political sniping going on? I just want to say -- we're bigger than this.


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